I am always on the lookout for a good project, like a kid in a candy store, only now I ask myself, "What kind of data should I play with next?"
When I was younger, there was a convenience store at every intersection. We'd grab all our change and walk down to the Open Pantry. Maybe your neighborhood store was Lawson's or McMillon's? Anyway, using my best math skills I'd get the maximum candy for my coin, then take my bag of goodies home for a solid weekend of sugar.
These days I'm looking instead to maximize the data we collect, so maybe you have some suggestions for us? We want to know if there's something the industry needs that we've overlooked.
I've created a quick survey to find out what else I could be working on. Take a minute and head over to www.plasticsnews.com/datasurvey to steer me in the right direction.
I'll be over here waiting with the packet of Razzles I got from Amazon.