If you haven't read it yet, slide over and check out Sarah Kominek's story on medical supplier ApiJect spending nearly $900 million on a vaccine packaging "Gigafactory."
This North Carolina project "will ensure America is never caught short in its ability to fill and finish vaccines and injectable medicines necessary to respond to populationwide health threats ranging from COVID-19 to any potential future bioemergencies," CEO Franco Negron said.
But that's only part of a complex supply chain that will have to be developed to bring a COVID-19 vaccine from development to actually going into use.
Our sister paper Modern Healthcare writes that there are concerns that there will be a shortage of the ultralow-temperature freezers, special gloves to handle dry ice for those freezers and the dry ice itself.
"Do I think there's not going to be enough ultralow-temperature freezers? Yeah," said Michael Wascovich, vice president of pharmacy field services for Premiere Medical Corp. "We're looking at anywhere from a three- to four-month delay."