Unlike the holiday classic "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer," these toys haven't been exiled merely for failing to smile properly.
The World Against Toys Causing Harm Inc. released its annual list of the "10 worst toys" on Nov. 20, with most of their concerns focused on toys that were designed poorly, with pieces that can come off and become a choking hazard for small children.
"Some of these toys are sold without the proper safety gear or marketed with inconsistent safety messages," the group said. Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog (a name that just rolls off the tongue) has 12 removable rigid plastic "quills" that can potentially becoming a choking hazard for the children, age 18 months and older, who are a target audience. And the Power Ranger Electronic Cheetah Claw has rigid plastic claws that it says can be used to "take on ... enemies," while also warning on the box to not "hit or swing at people."