Perhaps the only thing we know about doing business just now is that manufacturers in key industries need to know they won't run into any hiccups during production.
Also, a lot of people you may turn to when there are problems aren't in the office.
So companies such as Beaumont Technology Inc. are using the internet to both make sure its people are available when needed, but also keep everyone safe.
"We understand that many of our customers work in life- and health-critical industries, and we are doing everything we can to stay ahead of the situation and avoid any potential disruptions to your operations," Beaumont wrote on a new web page dedicated to COVID-19.
For now, Beaumont says it is limiting visitors to its site, increasing sanitation and asking those who can work at home to do so. It says all of its moldflow analysis experts have what they need to work remotely.
"All projects are running on schedule. If any delays do occur due to unforeseen circumstances including delivery driver availability or area closures, we will do our best to keep you notified."