I know it's only mid-September of 2020, but I have a question. Are you ready for NPE2021?
Registration just opened for the show set for May 17-21 in Orlando, Fla. And I know a lot of companies are probably already planning their exhibition floor space and picking what equipment or material to show. We all know that NPE is a vital business event, one that companies plan product launches around. It happens only once every three years. But this year has not been like other years. So making major plans for the first half of 2021 may be just a little difficult to imagine right now.
But the difficulties of 2020 may be exactly the reason to invest in NPE2021, according to organizers the Plastics Industry Association.
"Given the challenges of the past six months, it is vitally important for the plastics community to come together and support each other with a positive outlook to the future," Tony Radoszewski, president and CEO of the association, said in a news release. "NPE2021 will be the place not only to highlight key contributions in the world's response to the coronavirus but also to see what's coming from businesses across an industry that will transform tomorrow."
Plastics News, like the rest of the industry, will be paying very close attention to NPE planning for the next few months. Stay tuned.