U.S. Sen. Tom Udall may not be running for reelection, but he's still on a version of the campaign trail, working with his staff to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which would ban some single-use plastics, set recycled content requirements, impose packaging recycling mandates and shift more costs to companies.
Udall, D-N.M., spoke to the National Caucus of Environmental Legistors on Aug. 7 in an online National Forum to encourage them to push the Break Free act on a state level, beyond any federal moves.
Udall co-sponsored the bill with Alan Lowenthal, D-Calif., and the pair sent a memo to members of NCEL on Aug. 10.
The memo includes guidance for local officials to draft bills for their community based on the guidelines within Break Free From Plastic Pollution.
"We encourage you to use the attached blueprints along with the bill text and our supplemental materials to craft robust legislation for your state. Whatever you decide, we encourage you to build on the great action that has already taken place across the country and to further push for change that will have a lasting impact," the lawmakers wrote.