Here's to holiday weekends that kick off summer. That includes both Victoria Day weekend in Canada (on May 18) and Memorial Day coming up shortly in the U.S. (Even the coronavirus can't stop the seasons from changing.)
To get you in a summer frame of mind, here's a story on a Minneapolis-based outdoor furniture company, Yardbird, that uses recycled plastics gathered from waterways and beaches to make its chairs and sofas.
"We spent the past three years working to collect plastics on beaches, waterways and highly susceptible locations in the Philippines," Yardbird writes on its website. "We incorporated over 92,000 pounds of this material into our furniture and packaging in 2019 alone, which accounted for 64 percent of plastic used on our wicker sets."
The company has also proved popular with investors, recently raising $4.4 million in financing, according to TechCrunch.