Anyone with older siblings has used hand-me-downs in one form or another, whether that means clothing or toys or bicycles. So maybe Nike's latest sustainability plan — Nike Refurbished — is another way of handing things down to be used by someone else, but on a larger scale than just your family stash.
Nike Refurbish allows consumers to return their Nike-brand shoes when they're no longer using them — currently at 15 shops located across the U.S. The shoemaker inspects the shoes, then either cleans them to sell them again, at a reduced price, or recycles them for use in future shoes. (I don't see any mention of the consumer getting a cut of the sales of their refurbished shoes.)
Recycled shoes go into the proprietary Nike Grind material and may be used in running tracks, artificial turf, carpet backing or even another pair of shoes, such as the "Space Hippie" model with 15 percent Nike Grind.
The program is all designed to keep shoes out of landfills, Nike says.