Remember the locals in Skibbereen, Ireland, who, a year ago, stopped plastics compounder RTP Co. from building a factory in their community?
Well, Save Our Skibbereen raised quite a bit of money for what they expected to be a long fight, including sales from one of the most unusual protest songs I have ever heard (more on that in a minute).
But after a relatively quick victory, what to do with the cash?
Last month, SOS announced that it will donate 20,000 euros that it raised to Skibbereen community organizations seeking financial assistance for worthy projects.
The grants will range from 500-5,000 euros (about $600-$6,000).
Sounds brilliant. Now, about that song, "Plactory," by Simon Blewhouse. Probably the first song in history with lyrics that mention "thermoplastic compound facility." And yes, he manages to rhyme with that. Click on the link if you dare.