Pretty much every company we've talked to that is still up and running — even if those that have had to cut back on nonessential production — is involved in some effort to fill gaps in the medical supply chain.
Frank Esposito has a sampling of some of those companies here, making hand sanitzer, masks, personal protective gear and other items. And we know there are hundreds more.
For one example of what companies can do when they work together, 3D company Stratasys Ltd. says its has 150 companies in a coalition to produce face shields, among them Toyota Motor Co., Medtronic and Boeing.
When Stratasys first laid out plans for shield production, it set a goal of producing 5,000 at no cost to health care providers by March 27. Stratasys used both its own 3D printers and shared engineering specs with partners, combining that with a clear plastic sheet.
The team exceeded that goal of 5,000 and expects to make 11,000 shields this week and at least 16,000 the following week.