With the start of a new work week comes a new list of states and communities calling for residents to "shelter in place."
The exceptions to that rule are essential businesses such as grocery stores, banks and pharmacies.
Manufacturers supplying the medical or food supply chain are exempt, but who else is covered? That's a question that may depend on exactly where your business is.
In Pennsylvania, as Steve Toloken reported, a March 19 declaration ordered all "nonlife-sustaining businesses" to close. That order, however, said plastics products, rubber products and resin manufacturing were among businesses that would be allowed to remain open.
In other sites it is not as clear-cut. Michigan, which declared a "shelter in place" order on March 23, exempts "chemical supply chains and safety" operations as well as "critical manufacturing," but it doesn't define what is considered critical.
Check with local authorities or industry experts to determine if your company falls into the exceptions.