Even as Plastics News began reporting on the coronavirus early in the year when it mostly impacted China, we kept an eye on the industry globally
When stay at home orders began to hit the U.S. in mid-March we asked you to help us keep an eye on your business. And you've come through, with emails, social media and by filling in online surveys.
So now as May brings talk of states preparing to lift restrictions, we're asking again, this time focusing on what you expect as industry works to return to normal. Essentially, what we want to know is what has the the real impact of COVID-19 on your business?
By filling us in on what you're seeing, you're helping us guide our coverage so that our reporters ask the right questions to get needed answers.
Visit our newest survey online now at www.plasticsnews.com/virus and let us know what has changed and how you plan to move forward.