Introducing our new interface for online readers, plus an exciting new subscription level for 2022.
This month we've launched a new look to our online rankings and lists. At, regular paid subscribers will continue to enjoy view-only access to our industry rankings and lists data.
Our new Data Subscription level provides the ability to download unlimited MS Excel versions, each with additional key fields, such as plant locations. Previously our site featured a data store for single-copy purchases. We've replaced that model with a new platform that will allow our team to build future exciting features, like interactive searches and chart making.
Get premium access to the data that drives decisions. Our six North American plastic processors rankings include: related sales figures, process data, materials, end markets, plant locations and more. Our directories include Recyclers & Brokers, Compounders and Industry-related Associations. Visit to request more information.
There are also more ways to submit your company's information to be included in our publications.
Plastics News continues to provide our award-winning industry journalism including the latest news, features, blogs and updated rankings. Along with our daily and breaking news email alerts, we'll be sending out links to add or update your company's data for our special reports. This new platform will provide a secure method for these updates. We will continue to snail mail survey forms and send personalized email requests. Plus each ranking online has links to start a survey, if your company is not yet represented. In short, we'd love to hear from you by whichever method you choose.
You can reach me direct at hkeller@crain with any questions about our data.