The Association of Plastic Recyclers is taking to the road in a first-ever regional training program centered around its recycling design guidelines.
The trade group's training is scheduled for Oct. 22-23 at Van Dyk Recycling Solutions in the company's new 18,000-square-foot Technology and Material Test Center in Norwalk, Conn.
APR has taking training sessions for its APR Design Guild for Plastics Recyclability Training Program on the road before but geared presentations for a particular brand company or manufacturer.
This latest effort will provide "a broader generalized view" along with a guided tour of a material recycling facility and a demonstration of APR's Sortation Potential Protocol.
Attendees also will have a chance to check out the new Van Dyk facility.
"This program provides the opportunity for packaging engineers and designers to experience the sorting principles that are essential to the ultimate recyclability of all packaging in an operating MRF," APR President Steve Alexander said in a statement.
Attendance will be capped at 50, and interested persons can register here.