Let's clear out the stress of the U.S. presidential election through some old-time rock-n-roll with a plastic twist.
Here's "Plastic Year," the B-side to a garage rock single released in 1968 by rock band Blu-Erebus of Mount Airy, N.C. Not sure what made 1968 more of a plastic year than 1967 or 1969. The lyrics aren't entirely flattering to plastics — something about a girl keeping her mind in a plastic bag — but the music is energetic. The guys on guitars and keyboards especially made the most of their studio time.
According to Joel Sanoff on the Psychedelic 60s Facebook page, Blu-Erebus had been known as the Nomads, releasing a classic garage rock track called "Thoughts of a Madman" under that name in 1966. They apparently changed their name when they "went psychedelic." The band hailed from Mount Airy, N.C., hometown of down-home TV star Andy Griffith. But the guitar solo of "Plastic Year" bears little resemblance to the whistles heard on the theme to The Andy Griffith Show.
A YouTube post says that "Plastic Year" features "some killer fuzz and wah wah from beginning to end." I would agree with that assessment.