This issue of Plastics News features PureCycle's new plans as new CEO Dustin Olson takes control of the company at a time where its facing opposition over a Florida recycling center.
Formosa's Sunshine Project was dealt a blow last week as a Louisiana judge rescinded air permits for the prospective plant citing a health risks.
Waste Management has entered the film recycling business with it's latest deal with Avangard Innovative's film recycling operations in the U.S.
This issue also contains Senior Reporter Frank Esposito's resin pricing changes from August and what to expect for September.
In public policy news, Assistant Managing Editor Steve Toloken delves into details as a group of 10 state attorneys general are urging President Joe Biden to be more aggressive on the federal plastic buying policies. This news follows a proposal to reduce federal single-use plastics buying that we've previously covered here.
Speaking of Biden, he also launched a biotech initiative that would include plastics research.
And, as always, we have a plethora of mergers and acquisitions news for the latest deals in the business.
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