This week issue, we bring you a big story from our sister publication Rubber News on the issue of PFAS, or "forever chemicals."
RN Editor Bruce Meyer wrote about the latest moves against fluoropolymers and fluroelastomers on the state level and what the American Chemistry Council says to expect about forthcoming PFAS legislation. Bruce also wrote a column dissecting the news.
Also from the cover, Plastics News editor Don Loepp covered the sale of American Plastic Toys Inc., which was purchased by Northville Plastics, a new platform company headed by Jon Carlson.
And Creative Blow Mold Tooling Inc. is adding a second facility with full capabilities in the middle of the country, by reporter Bridget Janis.
Don't miss Numbers That Matter Live, on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. Eastern. Sign up here.
Material Insights this week covers the latest resin pricing changes.