Plastic Mergers & Acquisitions: Keys to Owner Wealth, Company Solidity, and Management Growth
Thursday, April 28, 2016
04:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
Online, Online,
The plastics industry in recent years has encountered huge influence and change, much of it due to merger and acquisition activity. Companies have become powerhouses in the blink of an eye with enormous increases in capital, access to new end markets and powerful combinations of talent in ever-broadening areas. Owners became wealthier, and companies became stronger. For the average “middle market” company, the potential for a business combination is exciting, as well as somewhat intimidating. This program is designed to help owners and upper level managers understand the acquisition environment of today and become more prepared to take advantage of it for a better future. This webinar will help business owners and upper level managers: • Understand the current M & A environment • Hear case studies from other companies • Be more prepared to pursue opportunities • Learn how to make your company stronger
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