Advances in Prediction of Weld Line Strength Failures for Plastic Parts
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
04:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
Weld lines are important to plastic part design as they produce areas that are aesthetically unappealing or have significantly reduced material properties compared to the bulk material. In this presentation, a workflow will be presented in which as-manufactured results from Autodesk Moldflow Insight software are taken into account for a nonlinear finite element analysis using Helius PFA software. In this webcast, attendees will learn: •The significant effect weld lines have on material strength with material example results (filled and un-filled) • What variables are used and needed for predicting weld surface strength • A simple workflow with interoperable Autodesk solutions that will increase the accuracy of structural simulation of plastic parts •How to use Helius PFA and structural simulation to predict material nonlinearity due to plastic deformation and matrix cracking
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