8 Tips for Plastics Processors to Build a Growth Strategy During Uncertain Times
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
02:00 pm
Sponsored by ASACLEAN
Throughout this unprecedented crisis, plastics processors have learned how important it is to be flexible and prepared. Even the best injection molding and extrusion shops are being forced to adapt to the unexpected. Some major players have been forced to shut their plants with little notice. Others remain open, but their customers’ orders have slowed. And still others are taking on completely new kinds of production to give back and remain “essential.”
Regardless of your situation, this webinar will share 8 tips to help you build a growth strategy that will set you up for success long-term. Our Purging Expert will teach you best practices for your plant during times like these. He will explain how to shut-down with purge to avoid costly downtime at startup. You will learn how to perform easier screw pulls, how to optimize difficult changeovers, and how to trial and implement a purge program now if you’re dealing with less production than usual. Join us on June 3rd to make sure you’re doing everything you can to be ready for whatever comes next.
Primary Topics:
• Learn new methods and embrace new processes
• Improve old habits & reinforce good habits
• Maintain your equipment
• How to establish baselines & test
• Preventative Purging
• How to Trial & Implement a Purge Program
• Plus much more
Jarred Packard is the Project Engineer for Sun Plastech, Inc.—the manufacturer and distributor of Asaclean Purging Compounds. He is a purging compound expert specializing in new product development for Asaclean. Packard joined Sun Plastech, Inc. in 2017 after working in the packaging industry conversion.