Master the Secret Weapon for Product Performance: An Introduction to Porous Polymers
Thursday, April 02, 2020
11:00 am
Porous polymers – also known as porous plastics - are the unknown science inside many of the products we use every day, providing key functionalities to products as diverse as coloring markers and diagnostic tests. In this webinar, learn about the different types and functions of porous polymers and how they can be applied in just about any industry. Join Avi Robbins, Porex vice president of product development and R&D, as he helps attendees explore how porous polymers can improve product performance across industries as varied as healthcare, electronics, and consumer products - and help them drive market differentiation in their industry.
Perfect for design and manufacturing engineers who either have a potential product concept or need to fix a problem with an existing product, this webinar will explore the science behind porous polymers and how to select the right type of material for your application. Attendees will learn about the differences between the three core technologies of porous polymers – sintered particles, bonded fiber, and open-cell foam – and how they are used inside finished products to absorb, apply, diffuse, filter, vent, or wick. Achieving each of these functionalities requires different technical considerations for both designing and assembling the porous component into the final product.
By understanding more about the science behind each type of porous polymer and functionality, engineers will learn where porous polymers can play in various applications and what to consider when designing their products in order to determine the best solution.