Plastics News - UPCOMING

Women Breaking the Mold 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
- Friday, November 12, 2021
12:00 pm
- 04:00 pm
Plastics News’ 2021 Woman Breaking the Mold Networking Forum will be held Nov. 11-12 in vibrant Austin, Texas. This don’t-miss conference is both energetic and informative, with built-in networking time with industry peers at its core and an agenda suited to interaction and speaker engagement. This event offers a unique structure with sessions and workshops designed to foster discussion.
The conference’s first day on Nov. 11 will feature a series of breakout sessions, appealing to both industry veterans and younger professionals alike and offering hands-on tools to succeed in the workplace. The day will conclude with a speed networking hour and a lively evening reception. And on Nov. 12, join us for sessions designed to be interactive and include a series of small-group discussion sessions following presentations. You’ll find the opportunity to identify mentors (or be one yourself), all in a spirit of collaboration that will spark the growth of female professionals throughout the plastics industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate the plastics industry’s diversity and support the next generation of leaders among the many women in our industry.