The theme of this year's Earth Day, Planet vs. Plastics, is certain to prompt some eye-rolling, to say the least, in the plastics industry.
Beyond the alliteration, though, you can see why it might resonate as a slogan for anyone fed up with our inability to manage waste — alongside projections we're going to generate a lot more in the future — especially if you're worried about the health impacts of PFAS or endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
But to frame it Planet vs. Plastic, in a Good vs. Evil sort of way, is simplistic.
In the words of one plastics industry group, it's a catchy but misguided slogan.
Ross Eisenberg, president of America's Plastic Makers, writes in a blog that the slogan ignores the contributions of plastic to modern life and to the U.N.'s sustainable development goals.
He points out the role of plastics in pipes for clean drinking water, tubing and IV bags in medical care and materials to make cars lighter.
Something like Planet vs. Single-Use Packaging, or Planet vs. Overconsumption of Fossil Fuels might be more on point as a slogan. But it's not as catchy.
Thanks to Plastics News' Steve Toloken for this item.