You've read a few things already about the 2022 Processor of the Year, Teel Plastics Inc., and its fellow finalists as well as Hoffer Plastics Corp., the Sustained Excellence winner.
Today you finally get a chance to look into the details behind what makes those companies stand out.
Editor Don Loepp has written profiles of each company that you can read in this week's print edition of Plastics News or online at You can also see web-exclusive videos and interviews here.
One unifying theme for every company, as you'd expect, is its emphasis on employees. As Tom Thompson, president of Teel, notes in a video, workers are key to pushing new ideas forward. And a good company also gives its staff the ability to try new things without worrying about what will happen to their career if those new things don't quite work out as expected.
"We have a lot of people that are really … innovative," Thompson said. "They're not afraid to fail either."