The German machinery trade association VDMA, including its plastics and rubber division, is coming to Detroit’s Battery Show North America Sept. 11 for an event touting their manufacturing technologies for batteries and lightweight electric vehicles.
And it's specifically noting the green tech demand boost expected from the climate provisions in the U.S.’s Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Joe Biden in August 2022.
“The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in particular addresses the use of green technologies and will boost green tech demand in the U.S.,” VDMA said in a flyer announcing the event.
It reminded me of some coverage, like this CNBC piece, talking about how the IRA’s $369 billion climate spending plans “blindsided” some European policymakers and would lead to a boost in green tech demand in the United States.
That seems to be exactly what prompted the German event, which includes presentations from VDMA’s Thorsten Kühmann, who heads both its plastics and rubber machinery unit and its working group for hybrid lightweight technologies.