Resin, sculpture, organ donations and tabletop gaming are coming together in one public relations campaign to get people registered as donors.
Donate Life America worked with advertising group The Martin Agency and Crux Scenica to create The Healing Dice, a set of eight die used in games such as Dungeons & Dragons. Each die has an inner core visible through the transparent outer resin representing a lifesaving organ that can be donated — such as kidneys, lungs, liver, bone and tissue.
The project is intended to nudge gamers to register as organ donors.
"Kim Nguyen and Kate Placentra, creative directors on the project at Martin, said the goal was to make something that fit seamlessly into the [tabletop gaming] world while nudging gamers to become registered organ donors themselves," Tim Nudd from our sister paper Advertising Age, writes. "Players are a very passionate group — and, as Martin found out in its research, a surprisingly large group as well."
Registered organ donors can sign up for a chance to win the set through March 27
Most tabletop games use seven die, but the Healing Dice has an eighth die, a 20-sided die representing a heart that can be used for lifesaving throws.