Sure, Dwight Schrute on The Office may have vowed revenge as Recyclops, the Earth Day character he created. (Dwight Schrute, of course, being a character created by the actor Rainn Wilson on the sitcom.)
But why not invest in Recyclops instead? The Larry H. Miller Co. announced June 17 that it has made an unspecified investment in Recyclops Inc., a Utah startup focused on collecting hard-to-recycle materials and providing recycling in rural areas.
LHM also is partnering with Recyclops to use its services to improve sustainability efforts in recycling and reuse.
Recyclops has a subscription program that allows its customers to place items such as expanded polystyrene, film, batteries, lightbulbs and textiles on their porch each week for collection and recycling.
The program operates in 18 states and was founded in 2014.