Ulrich Reifenäuser is ready to step down after 25 years as a top executive of extrusion machinery group Reifenhäuser Group. But that doesn't mean the Plastics Hall of Fame member — once called "a real global spokesperson for plastics machinery" — is going to disappear from the industry.
Instead he "will continue his work in associations and committees within the plastics industry and will remain at the disposal of the Reifenhäuser Group as a representative and consultant with adjusted work hours," Karen Laird from our sister publication Sustainable Plastics writes.
Reifenhäuser's retirement as chief sales officer is part of a planned generational transition. Marcel Perrevort, previously a managing director at Reifenhäuser Blown Films, takes over the CSO position.
Ulrich Reifenhäuser's retirement joins a trend in the global plastics industry that has seen some established, high-profile executives such as Gerd Liebig of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag and Glenn Anderson of the Plastics Industry Association also signing off from their jobs.