I've been reading Plastics News for some time. I'm on the solid waste board for a rural county that is a large portion of southwest Montana. We used to recycle plastic through a purchaser near Bozeman, and God knows where our plastics went according to the things I'm reading.
I'd like to see coverage of the industry's response to accusations of misleading people about recycling. In our county, we can't. Transporting plastic isn't cost-effective with a limited budget. If plastic producers are making money manufacturing plastic goods, they should be paying the cost of recycling by whatever is the most effective means. And they need to address making recycling viable in small, remote towns where their products are widely available. Please cover efforts on the part of industry to create a closed loop. Talk is cheap. We need to see action, especially from the American Chemistry Council. Those are the big money players.
In the meantime, I'm supporting businesses that provide products like shampoo and dish soap without plastic containers. The drawback is generation of cardboard from parcel delivery, and we can't recycle that here either. I hope to see more leadership than talk from Plastics News.
Leaf Magnuson
Beaverhead Recycling
Beaverhead County Solid Waste Board
Dillon, Montana