Kaivac Inc. has acquired the primary supplier of exterior parts for its industrial cleaning machines, Eger Products Inc. of Amelia, Ohio. The purchase price was not disclosed.
Eger does rotational molding, dip molding and thermoforming. Kaivac said the acquisition will become a manufacturing division of Kaivac known as Expert Roto Molding. It was not clear whether Kaivac acquired the entire company.
Kaivac Chief Growth Officer Bob Robinson Jr. said in a news release announcing the acquisition that the deal brings part of Kaivac's supply chain in-house and helps protect the Eger workers' jobs for the long term.
Local media reported the deal will add 30 employees to Kaivac's staff of 120. However, on its LinkedIn page, Eger says it employs 110. Neither company responded to requests for more information about the deal.
Eger has a 38,400-square-foot plastisol dip molding and coating plant in Amelia, and a 51,000-square-foot rotational molding, thermoforming and ceiling products facility in nearby Batavia, Ohio, according to the LinkedIn page. Kaivac is in Hamilton, Ohio. All the facilities are near Cincinnati in southwest Ohio.
The Expert Roto Molding division will continue to serve the Eger Products customer base, Kaivac said in the release.
Plastics News estimated Eger had North American rotomolding sales of $5 million in 2021, ranking it No. 73 among 146 companies. The family-owned business was founded in 1969 by Dick Koebbe.
"We have learned so much from Eger over the years," said Kaivac CEO Bob Robinson Sr. "We're going to be lending our management expertise to them. They, in turn, will be teaching us the technologies in plastic molding. The unification of our companies will enhance each other."