Parsippany, N.J. — Asaclean-Sun Plastech Inc. is boosting its technical and product support for essential businesses who may be facing problems that would stall manufacturing.
Asaclean officials said in an April 8 news release that it is offering free online and phone training on its purge compounds for contamination and material changeover issues so molders and extruders can move quickly.
"We have a large portion of our customers in medical, packaging and custom molding who are pitching in to help [with COVID-19 response] but find themselves dealing with unique challenges," said Vice President Phani Nagaraj. "When medical supplies are dwindling, processors cannot afford extended downtime and contamination issues. There are real-world consequences."
Purging experts with Parsippany-based Asaclean are available for virtual video chats or on the phone.
"Our customers are working hard to keep their production running and many are taking on medical projects for the first time. We're here for whatever they need," Nagaraj said.
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