Berlin — A team from Covestro and RWTH Aachen were finalists in the Deutscher Zukunftsprei, the German President's prize by German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmer in late November.
The prize is for innovation in science and technology and was awarded to Team CO2. The award went to Christoph Gurtler and Berit Stange from Covestro, as well as professor Walter Leitner. He teaches and researches at RWTH Aachen and the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion.
They were supported on stage by Markus Steilemann, Covestro CEO.
"We are very happy that we made it to the final round," Steilemann said. "The idea behind CO2 innovation fits in perfectly with the times: Fossil sources such as crude oil can no longer be the industry’s central resource if the world is heading towards a future that is low in greenhouse gases."