The Woodlands, Texas – Battery-powered air purifying respirators are among the products that Huntsman said it has donated material to during the coronavirus pandemic.
Huntsman donates materials to coronavirus pandemic responses

These respirators are used by healthcare professionals who need a high level of protection against coronavirus. The devices work by forcing contaminated air through a filter. A lightweight breathing hose then delivers clean air to the wearer's head covering.
Air purifiers rely on a belt-mounted battery pack for power. Huntsman said that its customer BioThane of North Ridgeville, Ohio makes the belts from webbing coated with Irogran TPU.
Irogran helps make the belts durable and easy to clean, said Huntsman. BioThane said this material combination in other belts and webbing products for transferring patients.
Tony Hankins, is president of Huntsman's Polyurethane business. He said: 'This is the latest effort in a series of initiative we've undertaken across the world in response to the pandemic. We have donated polyurethane systems to the manufacture of insulated panels of prefabricated quarantine hospitals. We have also donated materials our customers producing spandex for medical PPE such as masks, protection and shoes.'

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