A burst pipe put an Indiana injection molder partly out of commission for two weeks, but all workers are expected back the week of Jan. 15.
After a heater went out during a cold snap, Lincoln Industries Inc. of Boonville, Ind., was forced to close two areas of the plant for cleanup and reconstruction beginning Jan. 2.
Human resource manager Julia Young said a pipe froze in one section of the plant and a sprinkler head popped off in another, creating flooding and damage that forced the company to lay off about 60 workers in the production and assembly units. The plant employs about 100 people.
"We'll be excited to have our employees come back," Young said by phone. "This has meant financial hardships for a lot of people. We all hate it, but obviously it was not something within our control."
She had no damage estimate, as repairs are still being made.
The company, founded in 1986, is owned by Zoeller Pump Co. of Louisville, Ky. Lincoln, with about 30 injection molding machines, makes plastic parts for Zoeller sump and dewatering pumps.
Lincoln is looking to branch out into new products, Young added: "This year will be our voyage into new areas."