Since Madison Christman has been with Teel Plastics LLC, the extruder and injection molder has increased sales in the pipe division by five times and began to sell products into the gas pipe market.
As business development manager, Christman generates sales for Teel's conduit and gas pipe division, manages customer relations, establishes pricing and targets new customers.
"We have even more growth to come in 2023 and beyond. It's a very exciting time," she said.
Christman graduated from the University of Kentucky with a bachelor's degree in marketing. Her first plastics job was inside sales for pipe extruder Blue Diamond Industries.
"It's hard to say what interested me in this industry, but I can say that I have really learned a lot about plastics and manufacturing in the last 10 years," Christman said. "Working with the people who purchase our products has been very interesting as it ranges from family-owned companies [and] distributors to very large Fortune 500 companies."
Christman said that having been in the industry for more than 10 years, nothing surprises her anymore.
"It's amazing to look back at different times over my career that seemed like tough or challenging times and that you can still make it out on the other side in one piece," said Christman, who is a member of the Power Communication Contractors Association, American Gas Association and Public Service Commission in Wisconsin. "I would say that I do always try and laugh that some of the things I have worried about a week ago are now long gone and on to the next worry."
Her biggest achievement has been "being able to juggle the working-mom role."
"I try to stay extremely organized at all times and feel that is what helps me succeed," she said. "It can for sure be a challenge at times managing family and work schedules, but I have a very supportive family and co-workers."
Q: What emerging technology or market most interests you?
Christman: The gas pipe market, which is not a new technology, but being new to Teel, it is a market that has a tremendous amount of upside and growth potential. This market also fits Teel's core competency of working in regulated market, being ISO certified (both 9001 and 13485), having robust quality and manufacturing systems and processes and great technology to ensure product produced meet customers specifications.
Working with new customers to become qualified and building those relationships is what I feel is my strength so having the opportunity to sell this new product and grow this market is very exciting to me.
Q: What is your personal "mold" that you are breaking?
Christman: I don't know if I am trying to break any personal "mold," but I think the current markets we are working in does not have a large number of women, but I have never felt that has held me back or been an issue when working to gain new business. Customers are looking for someone they can trust and understands their market and product. The same is true when working with co-workers at Teel. If I am organized, work as a team and help to make everyone more productive and add value to Teel, then this will help Teel be more successful.
Q: Who is your mentor or someone you look up to?
Christman: I was very fortunate to work for a lot of great people at Blue Diamond Industries that really helped shape and mold me into the person I am today in this industry.
I would also say my mother. She had a very long career in manufacturing and the plastics industry as well. She did such a wonderful job being a working mother and never missed a beat. I remember growing up and her getting the paper copy of Plastics News delivered to our house.