It turns out Oct. 8 was World Octopus Day, one of those fun, made-up holidays that celebrate something niche. But MullenLowe, a marketing company which switched its logo to a boxing octopus three years ago, is using the opportunity to call attention to plastic pollution in the oceans (that's where octopuses live).
The agency created a video game, "Coral Greef," that lets players control the MullenLowe octopus and Sandy the crab to fish for plastic waste in the seas. Maneuver over the water and drop your hook at the right time to fetch bags and bottles. Pick up extra time and health in floating bubbles and jettison healing bombs to take out large swaths of pollution.
While the game itself is a fun diversion, MullenLowe has pledged to donate $5 to the nonprofit Plastic Oceans International for every person who shares their high score on social media, up to a total of $5,000.