NewAge Industries will add 3,000 square feet to its headquarters site in Southampton, Pa., establishing a new clean room where tubing, tubing assemblies and hoses are produced.
NewAge is the manufacturer of AdvantaPure thermoplastic elastomer products, including AdvantaFlex weldable and sealable tubing, AdvantaSil silicone tubing and reinforced hose, and molded assemblies.
The new clean room, a $2 million investment, is an ISO Class 7 facility and should improve workflow efficiencies via assembly, packaging, quality assurance and warehousing, the company said in a news release.
"We predicted that the expansion we did a few years ago would be all the space we'd need for many years, since it involved over 40,000 square feet," said NewAge CEO. "But no one anticipated the pandemic. Business is robust, and we need more production and assembly rooms."
NewAge said demand has skyrocketed over the last year, as Southampton-based firm participated in Operation Warp Speed and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
"Operation Warp Speed has changed things considerably," Baker said. "We're hiring, we're improving our processes, and we're renovating another building that we purchased last year. The additional clean rooms at our headquarters will help us get more, much-needed product out the door and on the way to our biopharm and pharmaceutical customers."
The addition should be finished by fall and comes on the heels of a $10 million expansion in 2018.