No NPE2021, no virtual show either, what's a would-be exhibitor to do? No worries: Plastics News is planning special issues starting in April to highlight the business and product news that companies had intended to announce in Orlando, Fla.
We're calling them Plastics Showcase special reports, and we'll present information on all the major trade show exhibitor categories, including:
• Primary equipment (injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, thermoforming, rotational molding).
• Auxiliary equipment of all types.
• Materials (resins, distributors, compounders, additives).
• Recyclers and recycling equipment, and all sustainability-related topics.
• Tooling, hot runners and related firms.
• Service providers.
• Trade groups.
• Screws and barrels.
• Robotics.
• 3-D printing.
• Plastics processors, and more.
Just like at the real show, we want to know your business news, your product announcements and your take on the most important trends in plastics and in your business sector.
It's also an opportunity to share how your company is doing, how you survived the pandemic and how the emphasis on circularity is impacting your future plans.
We're preparing a survey at, where you can tell us everything you need to know. You can also send news releases and high-resolution photos to me at [email protected].
The coverage will start April 12 with a Plastics Showcase focus on primary equipment. Subsequent issues will cover auxiliary equipment and services, materials and distribution. There's no charge to be included, and the coverage is not limited to firms that planned to exhibit at NPE2021.
Check out the survey later this week. The deadline to be included in the Plastics Showcase issues is March 1.