Revenue in North America has doubled over the past two years, Rajagopalan said, as it has increased its market penetration, offering both Polyhose-brand products along with private label goods that some larger distributors sell under their own name.
"We are not like many companies who say they are not going to sell to private brand," he told Rubber News. "There is a market for private brand. We're not saying we're only go to sell Polyhose brand. We want customer satisfaction 100 percent of the time. Not only with the quality, but also breadth of service.
"We make the fittings, we make the hose, we qualify the fittings. It's an engineered product, and we stand behind our product."
Asger said awareness of Polyhose has grown in the market, and now potential customers are seeing the firm is consistently in the market. "They are good products, and the people who have worked with Polyhose have grown," he said. "So they understand that there must be something right with what we are doing, with growth all around."
Rajagopalan said the investment in North Carolina also shows its commitment to the region, as the firm isn't looking to just ship containers of product to the U.S., but also offering the customer service that is vital in selling through distribution.
To that end, it brought on Kyle Kindt at the beginning of 2023 as customer service manager at the Wilmington site. His father previously operated a distribution business in South America that he worked at, and he spent more than four years with hydraulic hose firm Balflex USA — a vendor for his father's firm — before joining Polyhose.
"Being a distributor in my past history, I know how another distributor thinks," Kindt said. "When a customer buys from us, I put myself in their shoes and see how they would like to be treated in the marketplace."
Asger said Polyhose also has seen strong growth in Europe, with sales almost tripling there over the past five years. It particularly gained share during the COVID-19 pandemic, when weakness was exposed in the supply chain of other manufacturers.
"We had the capacity available, the infrastructure available, and we just grew," he said. "A lot more people saw us deliver, and that is making people look at other sources."
Looking forward, Asger said Polyhose will explore expanding its manufacturing and rubber mixing capabilities, and spreading into new product lines such as silicone hose, farm hose and brake hose.