Cincinnati-based flexible packaging supplier ProAmpac has launched a patent-pending addition to the company's ProActive Recyclable series of polyethylene-based structures.
The films in the new series, which has been dubbed R-2000D, are designed to be drop-in replacements for conventional, hard-to-recycle multi-material laminates.
They are available in standard, high barrier and ultra-high barrier to extend the shelf life of dry products and both the standard and high barrier platforms have been tested and pre-qualified for polyethylene store-drop-off recycling.
According to ProAmpac, the films yield the same performance as conventional laminates and are able to run at high speeds on form/fill/seal equipment.
Available in rollstock or premade pouches, R-2000D offers very high clarity, high drop resistance, excellent stiffness and dimpling resistance for premium shelf appearance. R-2000D provides excellent directional tear without the need for laser scoring and R-2100D provides improved toughness for sharp products like nuts, pet treats and pretzels.
Developing the new film series was a challenging process, said Hesam Tabatabaei, vice president of product development and innovation for ProAmpac, who noted that engineering a high-performance recyclable solution that replaces high barrier PET/PE, Nylon/PE, PET/metalized PET/PE, and in some cases PET/Foil/PE had stretched into a multi-year material science research and development project.
He added that the film is engineered to withstand aggressive filling and distribution environments.
"Its unique multilayer technology allows it to run on high-speed filling lines without facing film or ink distortion in the seal area especially for products with a reclose feature," he said.