Three workers remained hospitalized Oct. 10 after an Oct. 8 accident at a materials plant operated by Formosa Plastics Corp. USA in Baton Rouge, La.
Four workers were injured in the accident, with one already being released from a local hospital, a spokesman for Livingston, N.J.-based Formosa said in an email to Plastics News.
Two of the injured workers were in critical condition from inhalation burns, according to a story posted late Oct. 8 on the website of the Baton Rouge Advocate.
The Formosa spokesman said the incident took place around 8:15 p.m. when a portable ammonia cylinder ruptured. The spokesman added that ammonia from the cylinder immediately vaporized and an all clear was issued shortly afterward.
Formosa conducted an employee headcount and initiated air monitoring to ensure the safety of employees and the community. The spokesman said no other employees were impacted and there were no offsite impacts associated with the incident.
Formosa immediately notified the appropriate regulatory authorities and emergency response officials. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Louisiana State Police and OSHA responded and arrived on site.
"We continue to coordinate with these authorities on response efforts," the spokesman said. "Our focus continues to be on the swift recovery of our employees who remain in the hospital and providing support to their families."
Formosa makes PVC resin, vinyl chloride monomer feedstock and related materials in Baton Rouge.