Venture Plastics Inc. is adding an injection molding press to its Newton Falls, Ohio, plant, citing growing demand from customers.
"We're experiencing quite a bit of growth this year, so we were definitely cramped on the capacity. So we made the decision to order a 500-ton Nissei injection molding machine," Alan Schultice, director of sales at Venture Plastics, said. "We knew as we went into 2023, we would more than likely need that capacity then as well."
Venture Plastics has estimated molding sales of $35 million, according to Plastics News estimates. The company has plants in Newtown Falls and El Paso, Texas.
The new Nissei 500 Ton FNX 460 III press will give the Newtown Falls plant a total of 20 presses, ranging from 55-1,440 tons of clamping force. The El Paso plant has 16 presses ranging from 55-950 tons.
Asked why there's been a spike in demand, Schultice stated that some people might still be panic buying from the effects of supply chain issues that were common during the pandemic. The plan with the new machine is to get ahead of the inventories and have more in stock for when orders do some in.
The company has been experiencing long lead times, roughly 18-24 weeks, before the addition of the new machine.
The last seven new presses at Venture Plastics have been Nissei machines. Officials decided to stick with a familiar control system to make the transition smoother.
Looking to expand in more ways in the future, Venture Plastics is in the review stage of adding a new warehouse next year. The new facility will be for storage, and as of right now there is no set square footage for the building.
"It will be in Ohio, we will be kicking it off next year," Schultice said. "And the plan would be for it to be completed next year as well."