During this unprecedented time, U.S. manufacturers and their workers are taking extraordinary actions to shift capabilities and capacity to help produce critical health care supplies. Our brothers and sisters — unsung heroes — have voluntarily risen to the challenge to support all Americans by helping to produce ventilators, respirators, gowns, face shields and masks in record numbers and at record speed. All of these products were once made in abundance here in the U.S.
Such a quick shift in production shows the resilience of the American manufacturing community and the selflessness, dedication and compassion of the UAW members who volunteered during a time of risk.
When we restart this nation's manufacturing, we owe those workers a great debt. We must start back safely and efficiently, in a healthy environment. It is a monumental task to balance our workers' safety with the need to get America back to work. Families and communities across the country depend on our success, with small, medium and large companies in every state providing many of the parts and services critical to the U.S.
As a grateful nation, we must show those workers the respect and dedication they demonstrated during the pandemic — by providing solid, safe working conditions in their plants and bringing back more jobs to make these health care products and other goods right here in the U.S.
It is astounding that the U.S. should lead the world in the number of infections and fatalities from COVID-19. The absence of reliable nationwide testing remains a major barrier to reopening the economy. We must continue to diligently work together to contain the virus, demand increased testing availability and capabilities, and ensure and insist on safe working environments.