At the K show 2022, the two-platen large machines from the ENGEL duo product family presented even more flexibility and efficiency. The new duo tech can accommodate larger molds on the same footprint and achieves greater productivity thanks to a shorter dry cycle time and improved performance.
"We offer the right injection molding machine for any application," as Dr. Gerhard Dimmler, CTO of the ENGEL Group, emphasizes at the world's largest plastics trade fair in Düsseldorf,Germany. "Therefore, we help our customers produce in a very cost-effective, energy-efficient and sustainable way. This further development of the two-platen large machines makes us follow the successful path of application-optimized ENGEL solutions."
The new duo tech series includes 35 sizes with a clamping force between 3,500 and 55,000 kN. The ENGEL large machine portfolio has been extended with two new sizes. Compared to the previous duo series, the clamping force sizes have been categorized differently and more WP (wide platen) versions have been added.
Even the standard version of the new duo tech offers more space for mold installation. This means that larger molds can be mounted. Users benefit from comparatively low investment cost and reduced energy consumption. The additional space is made possible by the newly developed clamping unit. The footprint of the duo tech machines is as compact as ever compared with existing duo models. Thanks to the two-platen design, the length of the ENGEL large machines has been reduced, ensuring high productivity per unit of area. Often even an additional duo machine fits on the production floor.