Mendy Gordon is a senior territory sales representative for Custom Downstream Systems Inc., the founder and owner of MFG Employment Services LLC, and a co-founder of the Women in Plastics division of the International Association of Plastics Distribution.
In 2013, Gordon was part of a group that recognized women were underrepresented in their area of the plastics industry. The group set up calls among members, developed a mission statement and self-funded any get-togethers to show how the program could be of value to IAPD. "Being a part of that and the first co-chair of the organization is one of my favorite achievements," Gordon said.
"Seeing the growth of the Women in Plastics division of IAPD through the years, their impact on communities through volunteer efforts at regional events throughout the country, and the overall impact they've had on so many women's careers has made me very proud to have been involved."
At Montreal, Canada-based CDS, Gordon handles sales of downstream extrusion equipment in the Northeast United States, educates customers on solutions for their machinery needs with standard equipment as well as customized machinery to help optimize their extrusion process, and constantly explores new opportunities and markets where the company can grow and continue to diversify its offering.
When she was laid off at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Gordon established MFG Employment Services LLC to recruit people to work in plastics manufacturing. She was called back to work at CDS and now utilizes MFG in her free time to educate communities about entry-level job opportunities in manufacturing facilities.
"For years I had felt strongly that the greatest need facing our industry in the future would be a shortage of production workforce in our manufacturing facilities. … I have spoken to teachers, guidance counselors, women's shelters and community outreach programs. When working with community outreach programs, I also spend time in the evenings and on weekends helping individuals navigate employment search tools and build resumes for ease of application for these types of jobs with the intent of helping them find opportunities that can change their lives," she said.
The older she gets, Gordon said, the more she hears her father's moniker in her head "about loving what you do and how that will bring you happiness."
"I have struggled to truly live by this at times in my life," Gordon said, "but I feel that I have broken through to a place where I am not only happy with what I do but I'm happy with the legacy that I'm building and the impact that can have on the future of our industry. We have to be passionate about educating in all areas so that we can continue to see growth."